Downingtown Area Recreation Consortium
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Teen Art Programs with Chrysalis Art Studio (Ages 13-17) Register View Cart

Teen Pottery: (Tuesdays from 5-7pm) ages 12-17
Enjoy a fun and creative class where you can let your imagination run free! Create ceramic sculptures, functional pieces such as mugs or bowls, or coil and slab built projects. Whichever you choose, the instructor will help guide you along the way. 

Children's Book Illustration: (Thursdays from 6-8pm) ages 13+
Remember how much fun you had as a kid? Why not relive those happy times now? Jotting down your childhood memories and illustrating them is a great way to start! Professional artist and graphic designer Felecia R. Weber will help you to use your own creative style to bring your childhood stories to life! Come discover for yourself that “ILLUSTRATING IS FUN” during this six-week course.

Introduction to Painting (Beginner): (Mondays 6-8pm) ages 12+
This class is an introduction to painting for beginners - we will cover how to use the medium, tools, painting techniques, basic color theory, and painting from life. The latter half of the class will consist of a still life study to put all we have learned into practice. There will be demonstrations and practical work time in each class.
Students will have the opportunity to explore many painting media, but may concentrate on one medium such as Oils, Acrylics, Watercolors, Ink, Gouache or tempera.

Drawing: (Tuesdays 6-8pm) ages 12+
Can’t draw a straight line? Don’t worry. Professional artist and graphic designer Felecia R. Weber will share her techniques to help you transform basic shapes and tones into your own stylized drawings. We invite you to “Come Draw With Us” during this six-week course and develop your creativity through drawing. 

Fridays: Teen Art Workshop: Any two hours 4-8pm (ongoing)
. Workshops in areas of interest: Ceramics, Painting, Drawing, Jewelrymaking, Printmaking, Fiber Arts, Paper Arts, Macrame, Mosaics, Enameling, Dyeing, Marbling and Sculpture! Sign up with friends for a small group evening.

**Don't forget to check out the other teen workshops

Teen Pottery
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Teen Pottery- Feb. 25-April 1 
12y - 17y N/A Tu  02/25/2025 - 04/01/2025
05:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Chrysalis Art Center @ Ivystone Studio
$230.00 Res, $250.00 Non-Res

Teen Art Workshop Ages 12-17
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Teen Art Workshop- Jan. 24- Feb. 28 
12y - 17y N/A 01/24/2025 - 02/28/2025
04:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Chrysalis Art Center @ Ivystone Studio
$230.00 Res, $250.00 Non-Res
**Choose any two hours from the four hour time!
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Teen Art Workshop- March 7- April 11 
12y - 17y N/A 03/07/2025 - 04/11/2025
04:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Chrysalis Art Center @ Ivystone Studio
$230.00 Res, $250.00 Non-Res
**Choose any two hours from the four hour time!

Children's Book Illustration
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Children's Book Illustrations- Jan. 9- Feb. 13 
13y and up N/A Th  01/09/2025 - 02/13/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Chrysalis Art Center @ Ivystone Studio
$230.00 Res, $250.00 Non-Res
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Children's Book Illustrations- Feb. 20- March 27 
13y and up N/A Th  02/20/2025 - 03/27/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Chrysalis Art Center @ Ivystone Studio
$230.00 Res, $250.00 Non-Res

Introduction to Painting (Beginner)
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Introduction to Painting- Jan. 6- Feb. 10 
12y and up N/A 01/06/2025 - 02/10/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Chrysalis Art Center @ Ivystone Studio
$230.00 Res, $250.00 Non-Res
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Introduction to Painting- Feb. 24- March 31 
12y and up N/A 02/24/2025 - 03/31/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Chrysalis Art Center @ Ivystone Studio
$230.00 Res, $250.00 Non-Res

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Let's Draw- Feb. 4- March 11 
12y and up N/A Tu  02/04/2025 - 03/11/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Chrysalis Art Center @ Ivystone Studio
$230.00 Res, $250.00 Non-Res
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Let's Draw- March 18- April 22 
12y and up N/A Tu  03/18/2025 - 04/22/2025
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Chrysalis Art Center @ Ivystone Studio
$230.00 Res, $250.00 Non-Res

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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