Downingtown Area Recreation Consortium
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Winter Fest (Free Skate) @ Power Play Rink

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Power Play Rink has graciously offered up their rink for a free day of ice skating for their community. Don't miss out on this free opportunity to get out on the ice. Whether you're looking for something to do solo, a date night with your significant other, a chance to introduce the kids, or just trying to freshen up your skills. Pick your ice skates, we even have kid rentals, and head on over to Power Play Rink on Sunday, December 29th, 2024 at 9:30-11AM.
For this one day only, rentals and time on ice is FREE!

Children ages 7 and under must wear a helmet!!  (bicycle helmets are acceptable)

Please Note: youth and regular size 1-4 run small.  Suggest registering for next size up.

Register below according to skate size as there are limited sizes available.

If you have your own skates please register in the activity with the "No Skates Required".

For DARC Residents only.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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