Downingtown Area Recreation Consortium
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Photography Summer Camps by The Photography Workshop Register View Cart

Are your kids constantly taking pictures with their smart phone or the camera they received as a gift? Does your child have a creative flair, but just needs a little help expressing it? If so, you may have the next Ansel Adams on your hands! If your child loves taking photographs of family and friends, special events, or just for fun, please fuel their passion by sending them to our summer photography camp. We will teach your child the many aspects of the art of photography. This camp focuses on nature, landscapes, sports, and summer fun!

We will cover how a camera works and which settings are best for specific photographic situations. We'll teach simple yet powerful tricks that will take your child's photography to the next level. Every child will have a tremendous amount of fun and will leave camp a better photographer.

Our camp is designed to teach real world skills that allow every child to express their individual creativity and to develop their own artistic style and vision. Additionally, each child will grow as a person, learn how to work with others and a team and hopefully make many new friends with similar interests along the way. Camp is for photographers ages 9 to 16. This week-long camp is in-person and on-location

Digital Dreamers- Creative AI ART (7/21-7/25/25 9am-12pm) Ages 7-16

  • Does your child have an imagination? This camp is about teaching kids how to create photo realistic images using the newest and most advanced AI image generation technology. Let your kids’ imagination flow freely to create truly unique and fun images based on their thoughts and ideas using AI technology. Your child will learn photographic composition ideas and how the right lighting plays an important role in great image creation.  Our camp offers a blend of technical education, creative development, and personal growth opportunities, making it a valuable experience for any youth interested in technology and creativity. While much of the camp will be held inside our studio, we will allow ample time outdoors for relaxation and to explore the environment for inspiration 
Enchanted Evenings: Creative Night Photography Summer Camp (Aug. 18-22,2025) - Ages 11-18
Discover the magic of photography after dark at our Enchanted Evenings: Creative Night Photography Summer Camp, designed specifically for teens aged 11-18. Over the course of an exciting week, campers will dive into the art and science of capturing stunning images in low-light and night time settings. 

Camp Highlights:
• Creative Indoor Night Photography: Experiment with innovative techniques to master low-light photography in a controlled indoor environment.
• Fire Spinning Photography: Learn to safely capture breathtaking images of spinning flames, creating dynamic light trails.
• Evening and Night Street Photography: Explore the streets as they come alive after dark, capturing the mood and energy of the night. 

Longwood Gardens Photography Camp (Camp will meet at Longwood)
West Chester Photography Camp (Camp will meet at studio)
Hickory Park/Chester Springs Photography Camp (Camp will meet at Hickory Park)

Photography Workshop Summer Camps
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Longwood Gardens Photography Camp- June 16-20 
9y and up N/A MTuWThF  06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM

1001 Longwood Rd, Kennett Square, PA 19348
$275.00 Res, $295.00 Non-Res
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West Chester Photography Camp June 23-27 
9y and up N/A MTuWThF  06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Photography Shop
$275.00 Res, $295.00 Non-Res
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Photography Camp at Hickory Park 
9y and up N/A MTuWThF  06/30/2025 - 07/04/2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Hickory Park
$275.00 Res, $295.00 Non-Res
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Digital Dreamers Creative AI Camp 
7y and up N/A MTuWThF  07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Photography Shop
$275.00 Res, $295.00 Non-Res
Campers are required to bring their own device to camp (PC or Mac Notebook, Chromebook) with email access on the device. Additionally, each camper will need a subscription to an AI generation app for the duration of the camp.
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West Chester Photography Camp July 28- August 1 
9y and up N/A MTuWThF  07/28/2025 - 08/01/2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Photography Shop
$275.00 Res, $295.00 Non-Res

Evening Photography Camps
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Enchanted Evenings: Mastering Creative Night Photography Camp 
11y - 18y N/A MTuWThF  08/18/2025 - 08/22/2025
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$275.00 Res, $295.00 Non-Res

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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