After School Art (Drawing) Clubs with Young Rembrandt's:
What do a hummingbird, motorcycle, butterflies and very silly cartoons have in common? They are all brand new lessons that our club students will draw with us this spring session! No experience is necessary, and all the supplies are provided. Sign up your child today for our fun educational drawing club! No experience necessary, club is open to all school students from Kindergarten up to 5th grade. Each student will work with their own individual supplies that they keep at the end of the session.
All After school Programs are from 3:30PM to 4:30PM
In order to run these after school program Young Rembrandt's requires 7 participants!
Drawing and Cartooning Classes
Come have fun with YR this fall! These drawing and cartoon drawing classes complement and expand on your child's existing art programs. Young Rembrandt's instructors will teach all new lessons every week, every session- and you'll get to experience a new media and technique each week with a mix of our drawing, cartooning, anime and pastel lessons. Art classes help increase overall academic skills, fine motor skills, social skills and confidence. Our small class sizes and our step by step methods are sure to help all our students thrive. Each student will receive an individual set of brand new art supplies at the beginning of the program.
Registrations for Young Rembrandt's classes close two weeks prior to the start date. Register early to make a program happen.