Downingtown Area Recreation Consortium
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Will Preparation Workshop by Beth Forman-Rondinelli, Esq. Register View Cart

Writing in a notebook.
Do you have a will? Despite the overwhelming need for this vital legal document, most individuals delay in having their Last Will prepared.

Do you know what will happen to your assets and your children if you die without a will? The State will dictate who gets your assets and who will take care of your minor children.

Wouldn’t you rather be in charge of those extremely important matters? This course will provide you with the elements and information you need to know when having a Will drafted by an Attorney. You will learn why every person needs a Will, what turmoil could occur if you die without having a Will, and why attempting to create your own Will online is a very bad idea. The use of trusts in Estate Planning will also be discussed.

Each participant will leave the session with peace of mind knowing that he/she will receive (within two weeks of the session) his/her own professionally drafted Will by a local, experienced attorney.

Why put this matter off any longer? Now is the time.

We suggest that you and your spouse both sign up for the program.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Will Prep Workshop- 3/26/25 
18y and up N/A 03/26/2025
06:30 PM - 08:00 PM

East Caln Twp. Building - Meeting Room
$95.00 Res, $115.00 Non-Res
The instructor will send out a questionnaire 1 week before the start of the class for all the information you will need to have ready for the workshop.
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Will Prep Workshop- 5/21/25 
18y and up N/A 05/21/2025
06:30 PM - 08:00 PM

East Caln Twp. Building - Meeting Room
$95.00 Res, $115.00 Non-Res
The instructor will send out a questionnaire 1 week before the start of the class for all the information you will need to have ready for the workshop.
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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